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Brian Thomasson

Covid, Custody and Visitation - Confusing?

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Torn Child Between Parents

Now that we in "returning to normalcy" during Covid, I thought that I would share what our opinion is regarding custody and visitation. This is an evolving process that requires consistent evaluation, reevaluation and the understand of the situation has evolved due to a variety of factors changing or coming to light.

Ultimately, custody and visitation should be handled by the parents. This is usually best as opposed to strangers making recommendations and decisions. Sometimes that cannot happen due to differences in opinions, personal feelings, etc. Under normal (pre-global pandemic) circumstances, visitation and custody can be difficult at times. Throw in Covid-19 and there is a recipe for acrimony. So we just thought that we would throw our two-cents worth in.

In theory, custody and visitation should remain the same during this time. The Governor of Virginia has carved out this in his Executive Orders. There can or may be trouble if one parent lives in another state so please make sure that you check what that state's orders are about this issue.

Ultimately, no one can or should tell you to disobey a Court Order regarding anything let alone custody and visitation. I encourage you to talk - put aside your feelings and do what is best for your child. Remember, it is not dad's time or mom's time, it is the child's time with each parent. And despite how difficult the choice is, you may have to deal with each other even more so if you make an unwise choice and end up in Court. And just as a side note - judges HATE when their Orders are willfully disobeyed.

For more information, feel free to visit our exclusive family law site for information on divorce, separation, child custody, child visitation, spousal support and child support at

Good luck and be safe! Call if you have questions.


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